Insight on the happily married life of Shawn Huff and Brent Huff! Know about her early life, childre

Insight on the happily married life of Shawn Huff and Brent Huff! Know about her early life, children, grandchildrens, net worth, social media, biography

Shawn Huff is an actress and model known for working for L’Oreal, Marie-Claire, Vogue, Bazaar, and numerous advertising and catalog clients. Shawn has worked for magazines in New York like Vogue, Mademoiselle, Seventeen, and Bazaar.

She has appeared as Leigh McKenna in the TV series McKenna. She is going to appear in the upcoming films Bed & Breakfast and Tyson’s Run.

The early life of Shawn Huff

Shawn Huff was born on 23rd September 1966 and is 54 years old at present. She started modeling and acting at the age of 15 years. She attended Albuquerque, New Mexico, and was discovered by a modeling agency in France.

Similarly, she convinced her parents to let her go so she left for Paris and signed with a modeling agency Paris Planning Models.

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Shawn Huff and Brent Huff married life

Actress Shawn Huff walked down the aisle with director Brent Huff On 5th November 1989. They were introduced to each other by Nina Blanchard. Together they have a daughter Bailey Huff. Their daughter Bailey is married to Greg Harris since 3rd October 2015. Shawn and Brent are the grandparents of Bailey’s two sons.

Huff shares pictures of her grandsons on her Instagram account. Shawn and Brent are happily married to each other for more than three decades now. Their married going successful.

How much is the net worth of Shawn?

Shawn Huff has an estimated net worth of $500 thousand. As an actress, she has worked in Melrose Place, The Secrets of Lake Sucess, Fraiser, Final Combination, We the People, McKenna, The Bad Pack, Pacific Blue, Silk Stalkings, Vengeance Unlimited, Diagnosis Murder, and more.

Similarly, her recent work includes Chicanery, Christmas Trade, The Hollywood Polygamist, Atwill Web Series, Mixology, Second Chance, Last Will, Hero, Kill Speed, Angel Camouflaged, Helpless, Modern Family, and many more. As a producer, she has worked in Purpose Found, Creating Giants, Welcome to the Beyond, Chasing Beauty, and We the People. 

Also, Shawn shares the net worth of her husband who is an actor, writer, and film director.

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Shawn Huff on social media

Shawn has around 5.5k followers on Instagram account. She first made a post on 16th November 2014. Huff shares quotes on her account. Similarly, she is a cat lover and shares pictures of cats. Shawn also likes spending time with her friends and family.

On 3rd July 2018, she wished her daughter Bailey on her birthday and wrote,

“HAPPY BIRTHDAY to this BEAUTY!!!! Bails, you light up all our lives!!! LoVE you!!!!”

Looking at her Instagram profile we can estimate that she is excited about Christmas and enjoys this holiday to the fullest with her family.

There is also a Twitter account on her name which was created in January 2015. She makes tweets frequently on her account. Other than that, she is not on Facebook, YouTube, and TikTok.

Short bio on Brent Huff

Brent Huff is an American actor, director, and writer. He is best known for his appearances in The Rookie, Pensacola: Wings of Gold and Black Scorpion, Shameless, etc. Read more bio…

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