Jennifer Aniston, 54, Shows off Her Gray Hair & Chooses to Age Naturally - People Say It Doesn't Sui

  • Jennifer Aniston stunned with gray hair at 54. The actress had previously said she doesn't want gray hair.
  • Online users saw Aniston's gray hair and had divided opinions on whether it looked good on her or not.
  • Aniston revealed that she was told she was too chubby to be an actress. Now, she is comfortable in her skin, welcomes aging, and wouldn't do anything to change her face.

Jennifer Aniston from "Friends" is in her 50s, and she said she feels physically incredible, sexy, intelligent, capable, and creative.

Aniston's self-confidence showed up when she posted a video that shows her gray hair. People were conflicted by her new look as many commented about the actress entering her gray hair era.

The "Murder Mystery" star had previously said she planned to visit her hair colorist monthly until the very end. "I'm not gonna lie — I don't want gray hair," she confessed.

However, Aniston seems to have changed her mind, as in a video she posted when promoting her products, her gray hair could be seen popping.

A person compliment's Jennifer Aniston's gray hair | Source:

Online users were conflicted about Aniston wearing her gray hair proudly; some commended her, while others said it didn't look good on her. One person noted:

"Anyone would think going gray was an a anamomaly for tv/movie stars seriously!! We better give Jennifer a plack/award for it she's soooo brave it's never heard of [sic]."

People praised Aniston for letting her hair turn gray and said she looked beautiful because aging was a celebration of life, "Well done for allowing gray to come through – refreshing. "Aside from some bad lip work, she looks amazing," another individual commented.

A person shares her opinion about Jennifer Aniston's gray hair | Source:

Some people said the actress looked even more beautiful with her gray hair, and some noted that she was stunning as usual. "I am sure she entered the gray hair stage a while back - she's just starting to embrace it," an online user said.

Jennifer Aniston's Gray Hair: Source:

More people argued that Aniston's gray hair would suit her and make her eyes stand out. However, others were not for this as they felt the actress's gray hair would ruin her beauty. An online user advised Aniston:

"Nah. Dye it. I know, it's empowering and all that nonsense. Do yourself a favor and make it blonde."

A person expresses displeasure at Jennifer Aniston's gray hair | Source:

People who didn't like the actress's gray hair told her that "gray hair doesn't suit you yet. Save it for later plz." Another person noted, "Who the hell cares about her gray hair. Refreshing-NOT."

Jennifer Aniston's Gray Hair: Source:

Aniston has always been open about her attitude towards aging, as she said she feels more in control than ever in her 50s.

A person expresses displeasure at Jennifer Aniston's gray hair | Source:

Aniston said that as a child, she was bullied by kids in schools because she was "a little on the chubby side."

Jennifer Aniston Opened Up about the Secret to Her Ageless Beauty

Aniston credited her Greek genes for her ageless beauty. She said when her father turned 81, he didn't have a single wrinkle because he was 100 percent Greek.

The actress revealed that even her grandmother, who died at 95, didn't have wrinkles because she was Greek.

However, Aniston said people should drink lots of water and have good products for their faces, as that has also helped her maintain her ageless beauty. "Don't overproduct, that's the other thing. Getting proper sleep is always important," she added.

Aniston said she also has a Greek diet that she follows, but sometimes she indulges to create a perfect balance. "I usually give myself bread on the weekends, but really, my body doesn't love carbs," the actress noted.

The "Wanderlust" star revealed that her comfortable weight was 110 to 113 pounds, which is difficult for her to attain at her age. She noted that she would really love to drop 10 pounds.

Aniston called out social media bullies who leave mean comments on celebrities' pictures. She said these are mean people who just sit at their computers and have nothing better to do:

"…spend their entire day picking apart and insulting celebrities about how ugly they are just so they can feel better — I guess — about themselves. I don’t understand it."

The actress advised other celebrities not to fall for the ageless trap that is prevalent in Hollywood. She asked them not to heed bullies and the pressure they put on celebrities to remain ageless.

Aniston said her heart breaks when she sees celebrities, especially women who try to remain ageless by going through plastic surgery, "I am grateful to learn from their mistakes, because I am not injecting [expletive] into my face."

According to Aniston, celebrities who alter their appearance often end up looking much older than their actual age. She said some of these celebrities are insecure as they aren't confident enough to let themselves age. Aniston noted:

"They are trying to stop the clock… I also have a fiancé; who will put a gun to my head if I touch my face in any way."

Jennifer Aniston in Los Angeles, California on June 19, 2007 | Source: Getty Images

Aniston recommended other ways for women to maintain their beauty, including hydrating, LED light therapy, good lasers that help to tighten muscles, face massages, and great creams.

She commended women like Diane Keaton and Annette Bening for being fabulous and fearless women who have embraced their faces as they age.

Aniston urged fashion houses to incorporate people in their older years and not just individuals in their 20s to ensure people appreciate themselves at all ages. As a woman who never considered herself beautiful, the actress has come a long way and now embraces her entire being.

Jennifer Aniston Was Bullied for Being Chubby

Aniston said that as a child, she was bullied by kids in schools because she was "a little on the chubby side."

She said that during her fifth, sixth, and seventh grades, other kids decided to make fun of her. After high school, Aniston faced challenges again as she didn't consider herself beautiful.

The actress said she worked as a food server, and during this time, her wardrobe choices were questionable as they included chunky belts and big blouses. She confessed that her glam squad saved her as they taught her everything she now knows:

"I know how to contour, I know how to blow out my hair. When I was in my 20s, my face was almost a complete circle. So I really needed contouring. And now I'm slowly chiseling away, wishing I had that round face back."

Aniston's troubles with appearance did not end when she worked as a food server because when she wanted to pursue acting, she was told she was too chubby to be an actress.

The actress started losing weight to pursue her dreams, contrary to her parent's advice. Luckily, her acting career flourished, and Aniston developed high self-esteem as she now loves her body and revealed she wouldn't inject anything in her face.

At 54, Aniston is comfortable in her skin, she is glamorous and confident and was named the most beautiful woman and fashion icon.
